been a while...
Well i had just re watched the 2 before episodes and i was thinking whens the new one coming out and then it comes out like a few days later. All i can say is i gave you a 5 because of following reasons....
I think the plot on the Madness series isnt really out there. I really dont understand why hes killing anybody but hey random death so thats cool ^^ But it does make people wonder why hes doing it.
I also feel your Character design is getting rather oldish looking to. Its cool you gave the bad guys glasses and made your main guy look all beat up and stuff. But i think its time to add some color and maybe some different various character designs.
I have to say your the king at random violence movies but with your creativity and animation skills i'd love to see something a little different from you. Random violence is awesome so dont get me wrong, i just want to see what you really capable of.
Basically id like to see one more episode. A nice epic one to remember. A little old fashioned like you been doing but maybe some new work on the design of it. After like 1 more episode i think its time for something new and i want to see what you can really do =)
Good movie by the way i thought it was good,just a little of the same old same old.