Well at least you can work with sprites better then most people. I'm a sprite animator also. Final Fantasy Is pretty much all i do. I have gottem much better and i havent made a movie in a month because i have been fooling with flash a lot trying to learn new things. Your first huge problem need lots of sound. Like when after you read what the people are saying and have to click the cursor to make it go on....have it make a sound that it would have made in final fantasy. It would make it seem more like the game.
Second....your movie clips need work. It looked liie everyone was walking with one leg. If you dont know how to do this here is two ways. First you can look for an already made movie clip somewhere on the web like imperial soldier walking. Then all you have to do is make new movie clip....go to import...and import the Bitmap of the soldier walking. Then click back to your the library...and click the symbol with the movie guy in it and drag it into the movie. There he will constantly move so all you have to do is tween him and he walks all over the place. have any questions.....feel free to E-mail me. Dont know how.....look at my profile and click it.